For the last several years, we here at Savannah Glamour have celebrated halloween with an epic pumpkin head shoot! I did not think last years photo shoot could be topped, but I think we got fairly close this year!

I put a call out of my Patreon for women available for our Witchy Halloween photo session. I know weekends can be tricky especially around halloween, but three women responded and were excited! One came from Atlanta, and another over 2 hours away, and the third was available between her military career which often sees her in the Middle East.

My original idea had a blazing fire with open sky behind, and witches in all black dancing and silhouetted agains the sky! I was so excited but the day before the session the rain would not stop. I quickly came up with a backup plan, but decided to let my coven decide. On the day of the shoot everyone came in their witchy best, and we decided to do the bon fire idea. Upon arriving at our location we found the wood soaked, and a fire unable to be lit. Luckily I had a backup plan. We took a black cauldron, and the left over smoke bombs from a previous project, and headed out to a dock I love for photos. Though the bugs were fierce, we all agreed it was worth it. Each woman had their time in front of the camera, but my favorite imaged were the witchy coven all together with their smoking cauldron.

As far as Halloween Photo Shoots go, I think this one was a home run. Enjoy these photos from our Savannah Glamour halloween witch photo session!!