Megan’s Mermaid Hair Glamour Shots | Savannah Glamour

From the first time I spoke to Megan on the phone about her shoot, I just knew we were going to have the best time. She was sweet, bubbly, & excited, plus she loves all things pinup, her name is Megan, and she has mermaid hair!! As a fellow Megan who one day plans to have mermaid hair, how could I not be excited? However, since Megan lives every day in Savannah as a pinup girl, she wanted to do something a little different and chose a glamour session! She absolutely rocked her glamour shots as evidenced by her gorgeous photos, and she even left me an amazing review!
Here is what Megan had to say:

“Girl, you need to RUN– not walk to Savannah Glamour to have glamour shots with Megan! Her talent and professionalism shine beautifully through every step of the process from booking to shoot to reveal. From the moment you talk to her she puts you at ease and makes you feel like a bonafide princess.

As someone who has dealt with a lifetime full of body image issues, the thought of getting photos taken of just ME was a little daunting. I chose to take the plunge after celebrating (and having some anxiety about) a recent “milestone” birthday to prove to myself that I can feel beautiful at ANY age. I thought I’d have a few nice pictures of myself to take home but was sure I’d find something I didn’t like about the way I look in most pictures…

Well, let me tell you– I was DEAD WRONG. During my reveal I found myself smiling ear to ear and thinking “Wow, I look gorgeous!” Every picture Megan showed me was more beautiful than the last. I couldn’t believe my eyes!

Megan is incredible. She took a woman who was goofy, anxious about getting older, and super awkward and somehow turned her into a goddess. It’s magic, I tell you! I am SO grateful for the opportunity to have had Megan take my photos and I will cherish them forever. I can’t even put into words what an incredible, confidence-inspiring experience this has been. I feel like I can truly tackle my thirties with grace, ferocity, and a WHOLE lot of glamour!

Looking forward to a Pinup and Boudoir shoot some day as well. Consider me Savannah Glamour addicted!”

(Hair & Makeup by Laura Fitzpatrick at Roots Southern Salon)
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